Five years ago today I married the girl of my dreams. She’s been the best friend, companion and spouse any person could ever ask for and I’m so grateful that God brought us together. In fact, today, I’m grateful for a lot of things…
I’m grateful that together we have made the choice to build our family through adoption…
I’m grateful that her family accepted me and has been so supportive of everything we’ve done from day one…
I’m grateful that my family has accepted her as one of us and has been so wonderful to both of us in every way…
I’m grateful for the many amazing friends we have who always support us and bring so much joy to our lives…
I’m grateful Ash has continuously supported by difficult career decisions…
I’m grateful for the wonderful home we have…
I’m grateful that we get to go on another beautiful vacation next week to one of our favorite places on earth…
I’m grateful that we get to go do something nice together this evening…
Most of all I’m grateful that Ash is coming home to be with me tonight and that no matter what the future holds, we’ll be experiencing all of it side by side.