
Ash has been working on an interesting paper for her English class. She is writing an informative essay on MSG in our food. This has brought about some conversations between us about that and other food additives that bother us. Adding to the discussion was our recent viewing of “The Informant” with Matt Damon, which […]

Cluck cluck!

Mom inspired me with her chicken picture posts. I love chickens. Here is a picture of a chicken that I touched up during Accounting class the other day. I also like mom’s blog. Way to go Mo! Caytie’s is also delightful, albeit a bit…….goaty at times.

Cool library program

My friend and I are putting together this new program at the library. I am hoping to get a good response and possibly continue in the future with similar gaming programs. Definitely let anyone know who might be interested or have ideas for other games we could try. Michael Peters is the brilliant artist who […]

The High Life

I can hardly believe how perfect my life is right now. I mean…….everything is just so amazing. It is hard to describe this level of joy. I couldn’t complain about anything right now. Well….I take that back. That Meijer job…..leaves much to be desired. But honestly, that’s it. Everything else, every other event on my […]

The crib

So we are buying this cool house finally. Closing date is officially next Friday. I am, needless to say, extremely excited. Just days away from owning my first house….pretty awesome. This is a picture from the front. Not too special right now on the outside, but it will be when I am done with it.

New Year rant

School is really boring me these days. I never have time to study and the homework can hardly hold my attention anyway. It seems that I have completely lost interest in school. I don’t learn nearly as much as I would like to. Learning is not a problem in fact I enjoy it. However I […]

Open Source

So I have been researching alternative software lately. Primarily focusing on free, open source applications such as internet browsers, office suites, photo editing, and even operating systems. It has proven to be a fascinating and rewarding endeavor. For starters I explored alternative internet browsers. It is now common knowledge, it seems that Internet Explorer is […]