There were also lots of fun, goofy things to play with on the chocolate bar site. I can think of lots of kids I could show this who would spend lots of time playing around with it.
http://www.magmypic.com/. This is great as a joke. I can think of lots of good pics I have that would be hilarious for some of these covers. If nothing else, these are great for a laugh. I am highly amused. http://thoseposters.com/index.php. This is one of my favorite generators. Some of the pics people have put up here are HILARIOUS! I am having internet problems right now so I can’t put one of mine up. Next time maybe.
Overall, the generators just seem like something that’s fun in spare time. I will probably show these to some people who get bored online a lot.
Sorry I have taken so long to comment. I think that generators can be fun, and yes, I am sure that people who get bored will play with them, but I think they can also be used as promotion for the library and other business. They can be a neat or cool think to do to recognize someones accomplishments by putting them on a magazine cover. There was one that created smoke signals that I thought would be fun for someone’s birthday or minor holiday.