You never know…..

I got called in to work today. I was asked to work in the circulation department at the library I am employed at. I normally work in the reference department helping people with computers but today I am working with books. It is always interesting working over here. I have already been put on the […]

Other good blogs

I totally love my wife’s new blog. She has been documenting the ridiculous antics of our family felines. Pretty hilarious stuff. She has also done an excellent job of photographing the furrballs. Overall a great blog. Mom’s blog is also really good. Plenty of wacky tales from back home and lots of really good pictures. […]

Party…he he

Party at my house tonight. Last week before school starts for the fall. Looking forward to a continuing tradition in my collegiate career: every semester will always be worse than the last. This fall marks my first term in which I have zero classes I am excited about. 4 out of 4 this fall are […]


Not sure where to go on our next vacation. Ash and I have been talking about it for quite a while. Might go to Canada, or visit relatives somewhere, or just go camping somewhere, I don’t know. Tough call. It would be fun if someone wanted to go camping with us or go up to […]

Guess who’s back

In the director’s chair that is. Along with my close chum Jason, I have returned to film directing for a time. We are currently working on a brilliant piece of work with an all-star cast. This feature film is a wacky comedy with one particular new element that has not yet been seen in any […]

A day, like any other

My head hurts. I have been working diligently today on a new website design for my father in law’s business. Been using Photoshop and Dreamweaver heavily. It is very slow going. I want very much to get good at this. It is very satisfying and allows for so much creativity. I guess I just need […]