You never know…..

I got called in to work today. I was asked to work in the circulation department at the library I am employed at. I normally work in the reference department helping people with computers but today I am working with books. It is always interesting working over here. I have already been put on the […]


Not sure where to go on our next vacation. Ash and I have been talking about it for quite a while. Might go to Canada, or visit relatives somewhere, or just go camping somewhere, I don’t know. Tough call. It would be fun if someone wanted to go camping with us or go up to […]

A day, like any other

My head hurts. I have been working diligently today on a new website design for my father in law’s business. Been using Photoshop and Dreamweaver heavily. It is very slow going. I want very much to get good at this. It is very satisfying and allows for so much creativity. I guess I just need […]


Ash has been working on an interesting paper for her English class. She is writing an informative essay on MSG in our food. This has brought about some conversations between us about that and other food additives that bother us. Adding to the discussion was our recent viewing of “The Informant” with Matt Damon, which […]

Cluck cluck!

Mom inspired me with her chicken picture posts. I love chickens. Here is a picture of a chicken that I touched up during Accounting class the other day. I also like mom’s blog. Way to go Mo! Caytie’s is also delightful, albeit a bit…….goaty at times.