Stupid DVD Rentals

The way we watch movies has changed in so many ways over the past several decades. When everything switched from VHS tapes to DVDs the experience of watching films at home took a huge leap forward. But…..not quite far enough. I think we are experiencing a new transition now with Blu-Rays and streaming and I […]

Top 10 Breakfast Meals

Breakfast is an extremely important meal and makes a big difference in your day. These are my top 10 favorite breakfast meals. Breakfast Enchiladas Eggs Benedict Biscuits and Gravy Blueberry Pancakes Strawberry French Toast Breakfast Burritos Scramble Egg Sandwiches Omelette Bacon, Eggs & Toast What are your favorite breakfast meals???

Of People and Parties

Started summer classes today. It actually wasn’t too bad. I met some nice people in class. Had lunch with a couple really cool guys and later met another passionate musician which lead to some great conversations. Pleasantly surprising given I had very little hope for this semester. Mowed the lawn for the first time this […]

Fun stuff

Well I gave blood for the first time today. That was exciting. Also, while I was waiting in line I got called to see if I could work today. So here I am. Giving blood was neat, but painful. She had some trouble sticking my vein which was not a very pleasant feeling but other […]